Monday, November 3, 2008

Political Junkie

Becca is a bit sad tonight. She thought today would be the big day before Hillary won the presidential election. Seriously, she mourned for days after Hillary did not get the nomination for the democratic party. I think her exact quote was,  "She is a nice lady, we need a woman. Really have they not looked at her smile. She has the best smile of anyone I know." I guess I didn't know she and Hillary were so tight!! 
Rob and I had prepped her that it was likely that Obama would get the nomination, but I think we were the ones not quite prepared for her anguish. As the months have passed she has been watching the news and asking questions. We literally find her watching the news in the mornings, sometimes the local channels but often watching what she calls the "real news" -CNN, not "mommy's news"-the local channels. Over time she has decided that Barack is her man, even though he made a "HUGE" mistake not choosing Hillary as a running mate. She likes his stance on many issues (I swear I am serious) and likes the idea of the first African-American president. She has even been quoted as saying, "I think he will make good decisions for Ben's benefit". (You gotta love this girl!!!). This was after watching several news segments on the candidates' stances for funding for special needs.
 We will see what the next four years brings, but she is still holding out hope for Hillary in 2012.....who knows maybe someday it will be my Becca Boo!!!

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