Sunday, February 1, 2009

Potty Training

So we are ready. At least physically for Tuesday. We are going to start potty training on Tuesday. First, we are going to see the genetics doctor at Children's on Monday. We have been waiting since the beginning of last April, seriously a doctor with a 10 month + wait. He/she better be good!! We aren't expecting any answers tomorrow. I will even be floored if they take blood. It will probably be a question answer session in which we are barely able to hear the doctor over Ben's impatient screams. But who can blame him, who likes to be locked in a little, cold, white room waiting for a doctor to come? We are hoping the doctor can eventually answer why our little man has so many obstacles to over come. Is there a reason (syndrome, etc) or did he just get a crappy hand. Anyway, there will be news some day, hopefully soon, to share. I am trying not to get to hyped up on getting anything out of tomorrow because I don't want to be disappointed and frustrated like I ALWAYS am when we leave a doctor's appt. We have been waiting for over 3 years for answers I am sure we can wait longer, with God's help. 

But back to potty training. Ben, Bec  and I made a trip to Target on our snow day last week, now that is a whole other story. Ben may NEVER darken the door of Target again and I don't think he or Target employees will mind. I digress, sorry. We bought all the necessary items. A bazillion pair of Elmo underpants, etc. Now this is no typical potty training regimen. It is one written by some experts that work with kiddos with special needs (I won't bore you with their names, titles) that the Total Language Classrooms in Frisco have adapted.  Now, this thing works. Quick too, typically, so cross your fingers that Ben again shows his brilliance and catches on. Of course, if you were making me walk from were I had an accident to the potty, pull down my pants, sit on the potty pull back up my wet pants and walk back to the spot I had the accident 5 times AND then had me clean up the mess all before I got to change into dry clothes I might learn too!!!! Between accidents he has to "check" himself every five minutes. And if he stays dry for 30 minutes he then has to sit on the potty for up to 20 minutes to see if he voids. Can you imagine making Ben sit on a potty for 20 minutes? I can and it is U-G-L-Y!!!!! If he does go or initiates and is successful going a "big party" will begin with tons of reinforcers. After he initiates going we can stop scheduling potty times. Then when he initiates and is successful 20 times in a row we can quit forcing him to drink tons of fluids. He is suppossed to be drinking continuely during this process. (We took 20 Capri Suns to school to prepare) This is going to be so time consuming for us and his teachers but so worth it. Speaking of his teachers, God has blessed us with the most amazing teachers for Ben, truly they are awesome and we owe them so much. They have gotten Ben to do things we never could have imagined. Anyway, this is more than you probably ever wanted to know about potty training. Sorry to bore you with the details, but please keep Ben, us and his teachers in your thoughts this coming week!!!

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